What another great day we've had! We're chugging along....still very much practicing routines and procedures. I am spending a lot of time watching them work, learning more about what they can do and what's hard for them! I can't wait to return from break to really dig in!
Here's a story by Lauren today. It starts with the sentence starter, I love. Now you must realize that other classes are already moving past easy sentences like this and adding details. I want you to have an understanding of how behind we are. Not trying to panic you! But we have a lot of catching up to do. Right now I'm looking for....
*Sentences that go from left to right
*Snap words like I like, I love, I can, We can, etc.
*Spaces between words
*Small pictures/illustrations
*More details from a few of our writers (they know who they are)
So Lauren's story made me think of how I always write the word love on the whiteboard once I see it appear in a story! Then we use it as a word wall all year long!
We even looked at stories from previous years to give us an idea of how a 'real story' looks.
Aker got the picture! Look at her story! She filled up an entire page about things she's good at doing!
When we share....we ask our friends,
Does anybody have a question for me? Then the kids have to ask questions. This is another thing we're working on that they don't quite understand yet. You can work on that at home too! Sentences that start with,
I like--are NOT questions :)
HaPpY 1/2 BiRtHdAy to Jaymeson!!! Thanks to his mom for coming to celebrate, reading us an awesome and sweet story and bringing us treats!