Here is a morning sentence we wrote recently. Couple of things to point out....
Do you notice that the word Christmas starts with a capital letter? This is something that our young writers should start working on the second half of this year.
Ask your kiddo if he or she can find 'chunks' in the sentence! I bet they can!
What did you think of our hibernating bears? Aren't they adorable???
We did start talking about adding and subtracting this week. They will be expected to write some formulas next year...but we really want them to have a strong understanding of what it all means.
Try writing a math sentence like this....and they might tell you it's backwards!
They might tell you that this is false....
We HUDDLED UP today to work on our first number race! Today we only did 1-20...but soon we'll work to 100!
I was encouraging them to look for patterns. Like the 2 and the '2' in 12 should line up.
Happy birthday Brayden!!! Take a look at his creative treat below :)