It's already been a week since my last post? Sorry! Last week I had something going on almost every night. Sheesh. Ready for a fresh, new week :) Oh goodness. Seems I still took photos, but had no time to post them. Enjoy!!!
Every scientist needs a science journal, right? We are learning about bats right now! Hopefully, your child can teach you some facts about bats so that you don't think they are horrible, disgusting creatures!
We started off by posting some pictures on our smartboard. I asked the kids to draw and write any and everything they knew about bats.
Some had schema about colors...
about them being nocturnal...
about them flying...
about them hanging upside down in caves...
and what food they eat! Our kiddos said bugs, fruit and fish. We will do some research and find out!
CUTE! Noah has on a patriotic shirt! We love talking about our country, and being patriotic.
Every morning I ask our friends what the name of our country, state and city are.
We worked on the snap word can. If you can read it, then you can write a simple sentence starting with the sentence starter--I can.
Some of our friends had a hard time writing a sentence with these snap words, so I'll be working with them next week during reading workshop.
We were SO busy with art projects last week! Goodness! Can't wait for you to see our hallway :) I'll have to leave it up through conferences. It's adorable. We had a little color mixing lesson with our pumpkins too.
Some of our friends are finding more and more snap words in the books we read!
Our number of the day was 15! Just look at how fast Jace figured out those 10-frames.
Our first venn diagram...comparing a bumblebee bat to a flying fox bat!
Our readers had a great connection today. Both of these authors used cut-outs in their stories...that's a neat style that we haven't seen too much of yet.
It was hilarious watching them read this book with me. They were amazed! It was like that big, green monster went away :)
Our story problem asked us to sort the bears at our table together and then record how many green bears there were.