Monday, August 19, 2013

The First Day of Kindergarten!

One of our first jobs today was to meet Mrs. Ulvestad-the librarian! 

Here we Mrs. Ulvestad teaches us how to line up! 

Coloring with friends :) 

So....we all know that the first day of K can be a bit....dare I say, scary?! Well, today, Pete the Cat helped ease our fears by showing up in some of these places--like the lunchroom! 

Enjoying some much needed quiet time! 

Ready to go home! 

What a GREAT day! We had so much fun! They are a great group and, obviously, must have a great group of parents :) Way to go! Your kiddos listened well and worked hard. Please remember that the first few weeks are tricky and tiring. There is a lot of practice and teaching of routines/expectations. 

I heard, "when can we play," quite a few times today :) Ha! It's coming! I promise :) 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the pictures! Looks like it was a fun day - Dawson said it's WAY better in Kindergarten than Preschool (and he really liked preschool)!
