Thursday, September 19, 2013

Happy Thursday!

Today there were some 3rd graders working on surveys. They asked us where we like to eat the most! We heard answers ranging from a LOT of McDonald's to....Cracker Barrel, BWWs :) and Olive Garden!! 

We are working on more right now in math. I love hearing mathematician's say, "I don't get what 'more' means." Today we used a dice and showed '1 more' on our math mats. They did pretty good! There were a couple of kiddos who don't know the dot patterns on a dice this was a little tricky for just a couple of us.

Our math story problem had us working with our elbow partner. VERY cool and fun to see them collaborate with a partner. It said: Grab 1 handful of snap cubes. Have your elbow partner do the same. Who has more? How can you show your answer. 
I would say that I had to visit with most groups about the 'who has more/show your answer' part of the question. They knew how to show the number of cubes they grabbed, but when I asked them, "Who has more? How can you show that?" really stumped them.
It's amazing what can happen when you WAIT for them to think. Look below.

Jenna wrote a sentence: Yoseph has more

Jaxon drew both sets, recorded the number and wrote their names. WOW.

Will wrote a word (his name) to show who had more.

Bryanna wrote Will's name to show that he had more. She also drew a smiley by the 11 and a sad face by the 6. 

Nora drew both sets AND drew the greater than/less than sign. WOW! 

Some friends made it onto the 'how did you do it' wall.

One of the 8 standards of mathematical practice (from the report card) is that students should
construct arguments about math solutions and explain my reasoning to classmates
This is super hard! We will keep working...

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