Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A Very Happy Wednesday to You!

This morning we did our Newsbook. During Newsbook, we work on...
*Sharing what we did last night with a partner
*Speaking/conversational skills
*Good listening (we share what our partner said and have to remember it!)
*Asking questions (this is a biggie--no storytelling, just asking questions to others)
We will continue to work on Newsbook more....until we have a more solid understanding of what a question is and what our question words are. We also need to improve our listening skills.

Encourage conversations at home. Turn the TV and electronics off and talk with each other. Make it a normal part of your daily routine.

Oral language is a huge predictor in the success of your child.

Look what Jaymeson made us!!!! This will definitely get laminated :) 

We've been listening to the song Katalina Matalina and our class is sooooo excited about it! So today, we decided to practice a reading strategy called visualizing. We played the song (it describes how she looks) and our friends drew what they think she looks like. They made a picture in their brain and drew it! 

MAYBE Katalina Matalina Upsadina Walkadina Hoca Poca Loca will come to K02 sometime ;) 

Today Maddux challenged himself, as VIP, by dismissing kids by 2's! WOW! 

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