Thursday, March 26, 2015

Happy Thursday!

Today we started making our BIG ArT PrOjEcT for our How To stories! You'll have to check out our hallway soon :) 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Happy Tuesday AND Wednesday!!!

So one of our learning goals is that we can blend sounds together to make words and we can tell you the 2 sounds a vowel makes (long and short sounds).

So you probably saw this paper come home with a fun blending game in a bag! That's your homework. Practice reading those words by segmenting the sounds and blending. 

Today we did some more exploring with 2 Dimensional shapes. We talked about squares and how they're special and triangles! I like to really question the kids...."How do you know that is or is not a triangle?" If they really have a solid understanding, they can use words like vertices/points/lines/straight, etc to describe/compare a shape (which is another learning goal).

Friday, March 20, 2015

A Busy Day! A Day of Kindness!

We started our extra special day by rotating classrooms to kick-off the fundraiser for our playground! 

Taylor L. brought me a donut for Random Acts of Kindness Week!!!!

Here are some super fun pictures of our BOOK PICNIC! It was a blast!

Here we are all lined up and ready to get deliver our secret brownies to the other K classrooms :) :) :) That's Hayden's baby finger in the way! Haha! He came to help us!