Friday, September 25, 2015


Sorry I didn't get to post again until today! MEETINGS! Sheesh. I've noticed that our class needs a little work on the difference between a letter and a word. So now, when we write morning sentence, we either count the number of words, circle words, etc. Please practice this at home.

This morning sentence was on the first day of fall and it had THREE words.

This week we worked on sorting and describing objects. We played button match-up where we had to find someone with a button that had at least one matching attribute. 

We have been learning about 5-frames and 10-frames too! Very fun! It helps us see numbers in new ways without just memorizing addition facts. For example, when I flashed this one, Audrina said she saw "2 on top and 2 on bottom." This is GREAT practice at breaking numbers apart. Teachers call it "structuring." 

We also assigned some friends to be letter experts for other friends. Our goal is to know our letters and sound by Halloween! 

You know, it's funny that a lot of my students (every year) think they're so advanced in math because they can count to 100! Well, if your kiddo thinks this....ask them this question...
What comes after 13?
What comes after 29?
What comes before 20?
And on and on and on. True number sense has a lot more to do with truly understanding numbers, quantities, order, etc. So counting to 100 is a start...but not the end goal. 

Happy birthday to Carter (yesterday!) He is SUCH a sweetie :) I hope you had a GREAT night! 

Today our new vocabulary words were leaves and autumn. It's really important for you to talk with your child a lot. Explain things. Describe things. Google how things work. Use big words. This will all aide your child in having good reading comprehension, because of having so much exposure to vocabulary.

Working on adding labels!
Remember moms and dads and grandmas and! 

Brayden used a 10 frame to show our number of the day! YAY! 

Oops. Sideways. Tallies and 10 frames! 

Happy birthday to Jace!!!! Tomorrow. We all love having you in K02! 

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