Friday, January 8, 2016

Happy Friday!!!

Today our new learning/vocab word was speech. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave a famous speech. I bet your child knows some of it!
It's important to realize that expanding your child's vocabulary is probably, dare I say it, one of the most important things you and I can do for our kiddos. Kids who don't speak much are usually kiddos who struggle and they usually continue to struggle. It's THAT important. My high fliers are kids who talk non-stop. Literally. So when you need a moment of peace and quiet at home, remember to be thankful that your child has a large vocabulary. It will help them so much with reading harder texts....they will have a MUCH easier time understanding stories and retelling them, b/c they have the words.

You probably didn't realize that just by talking to your kids...explaining things, answering questions and using big words in front of're setting them up for success!!!! 

This group of writers is organized! A big part of our time is spent just learning how to learn. You won't be able to get a lot of writing done, unless your space is organized and your tools are ready! 

We have a TON of new chunk experts this week. Carter is the new 'ar' boy.

We are starting to expect our kiddos to use punctuation when writing. Just so you know, you should encourage your child to read the story OUT LOUD so he or she can hear where the stop should go.
It's normal for kids to start putting them after every word, or at the bottom of the page (only) when they first begin. 

Brayden is the 'sl' boy! 

Malachy is the 'fl' boy! 

Here are those learning words!

Yay! More counters! We have SEVEN kiddos left to earn a star :) 

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