Thursday, March 31, 2016

And we're BACK!!!

Well I sure hope you all had a very special Easter vacation! I did! Hayden went on an Easter egg hunt. He thought that was fantastic. He got to put his coins in his new piggy bank that makes farm sounds :) :) I've been away for awhile...but I haven't stopped documenting what we're doing in kindergarten. So I hope you have some free time to read and check out how busy we've been! 

We wrapped up our unit on how-to books recently. Had to share a few great stories...of the many we've made. Braylee's picture is so funny! Can you tell that she is trying to show action? She's jumping up and down because she lost a tooth! 

Here Jace is showing action during taekwondo class. 

Our chunk poster is all filled now! We are starting to look for chunks we know when we read and use them more and more in our writing. This anchor chart gets used so much every day!
Great job chunk experts! 

We had some great discussions about shapes in the real world....are they 2D or 3D?

Purple table was wondering if the shape on the left is a cube? Many kids reasoned that it is not a cube because all of the 'faces' are not square! Smarties! 

It's really important for our little ones to start using MORE than ONE reading strategy. Remember parents...they should say the first sound right away, use the picture clue and look for chunks/hidden snap words and listen to hear if what they're saying makes sense! 

We've been writing our morning sentence together lately....we need to practice those lowercase letters every day now! We don't want to be writing in all capital letters once we hit FIRST GRADE :) :) 

We meet with our writing partners to see if they can follow our directions in our how-to books. Maybe we should add extra details, warnings/advice, etc. 

Dawn came back to visit us and she taught us about needs vs. wants! A good lesson for young ones :) 

Oh I adore this book! It's called, Cherries and Cherry Pits. It's a long story and is about a little girl who loves to draw. She tells stories as she's drawing and there is always a cherry involved :) It has repeating text in it. Just ask your kiddo what that means and you might hear it all night!
I laid out my special markers just like Bidemmi did, in the book. Then we drew some cherry trees and added cherries as we said the repeating text over and over! 

Just look at all of those cherries! 

Looking for blends in our poem...when we actually circle them, we can really see how important it is that we know them! 

We played a spelling game called SUPER BEE! 

Our popsicle party! Way to go TEAM K02! 

They are in love with the book, The Book with No Pictures. We keep making our own versions during choice time :) They're hilarious! 

A huge part of becoming a mathematician, is learning how to work with a partner. Kindergarten kids are learning how to ask questions like, "What confused you," and "How did you try it?" 

Will helped us all illustrate our poems nicely by giving this great advice! So he had to go up on the advice wall! 

YAY! We all have our counting stars now!!! 

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