Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Happy Monday!

Yesterday we learned how to do the turkey trot! We had a cook (aka-Clara) who chased us around and into the pot we went :) We learned about tame turkeys that live on the farm and how they're different than wild turkeys. 

Here are some friends reading some of their stories to us! We are really starting to develop as writers. Some things most of the children are working on are....
*When to use capital letters
*Putting a stop at the end of a sentence
*Segmenting the sounds in words and writing down the letters
*Writing with snap words
*Thinking of a true story

Layla wrote a true story about her mom going to work! We even started a Stories We Can't WAIT to Write About chart to put sticky notes on for all of those times we come up with great ideas :) 

Here are some snapshots of us visualizing. I am reading them a story called, Snow by Olivia Dunrea. I am not showing them the pictures. They are listening carefully to the details, making mental images and drawing whatever they're visualizing. The story has really great describing words like this: It was a dark, dark, cold, cold night. 

Since the story reminded us of cold weather....we turned on the fireplace ;) 

Happy BIRTHDAY to Nora! You are a sweet, intelligent, well spoken and charismatic young lady! We all hope you had a great birthday :) 

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