Thursday, February 6, 2014

Happy Wednesday!!!

So we are starting on our non-fiction unit! We will learn more about the text features in non-fiction texts. We worked on labels

Here is a picture of Owen sharing his writing with us! 

Owen was writing about his tablet! Sorry for it being sideways ;) 

We have been working on making combinations with little square tiles. We each glued down 2 different looking combinations in our books for numbers 5 through 10. Then we played a game where we flashed one of our combinations and our partner had to make it. This is good practice for children to start seeing numbers and how they can be decomposed. EX: 5 can look like 3 tiles and 2 tiles

Our math problem was a good one today! It the zoo I saw 10 animal legs. Who could they belong to? Here is a great example of neatness. The drawing is organized and there are labels.

Jenna had the right idea and the right number of legs. We talk a lot about organization and making sure our math work is not too fancy--but is super easy to understand. 

We played a snap word game! We love this game. I am having them work on harder snap words this, them, they, where, here, her, she, he, and said.

Here we are building with 20 frames! This was a super fun lesson!!! The kids filled up the top 10 frame. We always says, "Ten is always ten!" Then I would flash them a teen number and they would fill up the bottom 10 frame to make it. We wrote addition sentences
10 + 3 = 13
Then we had this awesome talk about the '1' in the 10 is not really a '1.' It's a '10.' As Nora says, "It's '1' ten." Confusing for most....but spot on for some learners.

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