Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Happy Wednesday!

Oh goodness. Battery is currently charging. I'm so bummed too! We had a really great day! Here's some stuff we were doing.....
*Writing: Working on writing sentences. We have kiddos with very different abilities. As I'm getting to know them, I am seeing some that can write a lot and add more details to their stories (and work on capitalization, spaces between words and adding more details). I also see some who write backwards, aren't going from left to right and are drawing huge pictures. So for them, we're working on WORDS FIRST, writing with sentence starters like, I can  and I like. I have shown them stories that have huge, sloppy pictures and we just recycle them now :) It's a big process! We're ready for the challenge!

*Daily 5: We are trying SO hard to get to 15 minutes of stamina! We learned today that kindergarten readers should not read silently. You should practice reading the words and pictures aloud, but with an inside, talking voice. I noticed some kiddos weren't even reading! Of course, this broke stamina.

I hope all of you had a great day too!
Mrs. C and kids

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