Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Happy Monday!

Bryanna brought in her library book and told me how she found a word with the -oo chunk in it. Do you see it?
So we made her the -oo chunk expert (look below-YAY Bryanna) and made these great pictures (that you've probably seen) of clouds with wooshing wind! 

Jaxon donated his to our windy corner window so we can remember that chunk all year as we write!

If you want to practice things at home...have your child WRITE! Not drawing pretty pictures, but writing about real life!!! Encoding (or saying words slowly and writing down the sounds you hear) is the BEST WAY to teach your child to read :) Really. I just read the most fabulous blog post by Richard Allington (a writing guru). 

Here was our morning sentence! We'll be adding another sentence tomorrow!!!! 
We heard the -all chunk in the word Fall! 
Oh, and Will already knew the snap word it. WOW. A lot of kiddos said you're practicing snap words at home! GOOD for you! 
Ha. Clara's fabulous barbie story! Just LOOK at all of those barbies in the barbie house! 

We are playing Teddy Bear Walk. I paired kids who have mastered their counting with kiddos who haven't and they worked on developing that one-to-one (being able to touch one object at a time and say the number).

Just had to post this picture. Eve was book shopping. She is doing what readers do. She is looking at the pages inside of the book to determine if it looks interesting or not.

Please take your child to the library and ask, "Let's go check out some books today! How will you know if the book is one you want to read? What parts of the book will you look at?" (You'll be amazed) 

Our independence is growing....continue to encourage and foster it at home :) :) 

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