Thursday, September 26, 2013

Where's Miss Dunker?

I don't know if you heard....but I was gone yesterday! Sad. :( I do love returning to wonderful sub notes! We had a great day....without Miss Dunker! Yes, I think they're getting it: We do not behave because the teacher is watching! We behave because it's good for us! (You know, we learn and make friends and stuff like that). 

Anyway....I was at this amazing conference given by RICK WORMELI! Whoa. I know. Who is that? Well, you can youtube him if you really want to watch videos on grading, differentiation and teacher stuff like that...or you can just read the bullet points below. Take it from me, it's AMAZING. 

He reaffirmed a LOT of what I was already thinking...
*The Common Core standards are BASIC! AH! Yes, most of our students will surpass them! 
*We must NOT let go of teaching creativity, innovation and problem solving! These skills will put your children at the top of the job market someday!
Get Kindergarten, 70% of children show remarkable creativity. It goes down to 30% in 4th grade and 10% (eek) in 10th grade. SAD! 

*Our grading system is NOT about techniques and behaviors (clean desks, neat papers, group work). It's about whether or not they can specifically show a skill that is stated in our standards.
*Just listen to this quote: Calm waters endanger sailors. LOVE! I am sooooo beyond frustrated when I see quiet rooms. Sorry to vent, but rooms full of learning should be noisy and even, ah, a bit crazy! Learning is a disorderly enterprise. As a hopeful future parent, I would be very concerned if my child were in a room that required silence. Is this what their future workplaces will look like? 
*Did you know that 40% of high school kids are retaking high school classes in college because of inaccurate grading? 

One of the most important things your child needs to learn in school is this.....

Teach your child how to recover from failure...because
The expert in any field is the one who has had the most mistakes in that field. Push yourself. 
F.A.I.L=First attempt in learning

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