Friday, January 17, 2014

Happy Friday!

We've been working a lot with fairy tales this month. One familiar and loved fairy tale is Jack and the Beanstalk. Today we finally got to practice retelling the story. This is a skill you should continue to practice EVERY time you read a book with or to your child. Close the book and ask them to retell the story in their own words (not word-for-word). This is called comprehension and it's important that our students learn to remember what they just read, who the characters were and where the story happened. That's the whole point of reading. I feel like they're getting better every day! 

Your child will bring home retelling cards for this fairy tale tonight. Please have him or her practice it as much as they can this weekend :) :) 

We played a game with characters during our reading time today. We passed the character bag around the circle and when the music stopped you had to pull a card out and make up a story like this....Once upon a time there was a knight. He was very strong. He liked to fight battles. 

One thing we did during math today was talk about the + and - symbols. Plus means put together and minus means take away. Then we played a game where we built a house out of blocks. We rolled a +1/-1 dice and kept building/tearing down our house :) We also built a +1 tower with snap cubes. We could see that the tower increased by 1 cube each time. 

I wrote some number sentences on this piece of paper and we talked about how we got the answer. Most friends either knew the fact or used their fingers. There were a few who started to see the pattern though and we ended up coming up with an actual conjecture or rule. 

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