Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sorry to be so behind on pictures....

Of course....we've had some amazing teaching and learning going on in K02 and I apologize for not having pictures up. So on this post I will try to explain and show off how wonderful your children are!!!
Today we read, Diary of a Wombat. I have always cherished this cute and funny story. It's written in the form of a diary (that a wombat wrote about his experiences with his human neighbors.) Hahaha. It's really cute! I showed the kids a video of a real wombat too--on National Geographic. They are SOOOO cute. Sorry to be crazy here...but I had never really seen one. If you haven't, you should youtube them right now. We are all super excited to read, Diary of a Baby Wombat this week!!!! Oh and guess what else?! There is now a book called, Diary of a Christmas Wombat! Definitely going on my wishlist. 

We keep adding to our anchor chart about non-fiction texts. Our new standards state that children should be able to find different text features in informational text (non-fiction books). So this week we looked at a glossary. We read a definition about arachnids. 

So look at this picture and the one below. Today I gave them all an exit card to go to recess. It was 3 + 3 = ___. They had to fill in the box. They ALL wrote 6. Then we discussed how they knew it was 6. Alivia shared that she put 3 up on one hand and 3 on the other hand and counted them. :) Some other friends shared that they knew the number fact because it's a double. Then Will came up and shared that he could check his answer of 3 by seeing if 6 - 3 would equal 3...and it did.
I then asked them: Can you use what you know about 3+3=6 to quickly solve 3+4=___
Most kids counted on their fingers (which is appropriate for this age). There were a few students who have developed such a solid number sense that they could see the relation between the problems. They saw that 4 is 1 more than 3...so the answer had to be 1 more. WOW! 

We will continue to do problems like these to help develop this kind of deeper thinking. 

Yesterday we did clipboard writing. This class works so well in teams...it's really nice to see. You can walk around and hear them stretching out words and sharing the clipboard. Our word was hermit crab. I guess it's really two words this week. We are working on the --it word family. 

They did a fantastic job with their spelling tries! 

Happy 1/2 Birthday to Dawson!!!!! I hope you had a special day :) You are definitely a special friend to all of us! 

Sweet! A lego book! My first in K02....as Dawson informed me. Haha. 

Here we are picking a choice for math choiceboard. We do this every day. It gives Mrs. Cota a chance to pull small groups. 

I gave them a really funny math problem the other day during our math talk. I said that Mrs. Greer told me she was making some holiday cookies during Christmas break. I said that Mrs. Greer also told me that having 3 chocolate cookies 2 strawberry cookies was the only  way to make 5 cookies. I told them that made me think of them and I also wondered if she was right. They were SO ready to show me that she was WRONG. 

We ended up coming up with all the parts of 5. We drew them on paper and wrote the number sentences that went with them.

I love and adore the book, Twenty Four Robbers by Audrey Wood. Here is the setting. You can ask your child what the setting is in stories you read together at home. We have a fun little play too! 

SO cute! Thanks Olivia V :) 

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