Friday, January 31, 2014

Happy Thursday! (and Wed)

We played a new math game called More is Better. Tonight, your child will bring home his or her first math pack. The math packs are designed to help your child practice addition, subtraction and fluency with numbers (EX: 3+2 is 5). They should also start to see the relation and connection between addition and subtraction. Our students are in VERY different places, so we have just right math packs for each child! 

Here we are practicing some simple story problems together. We usually only do this about once or twice a week. It gives us time to have quick math talks about how they solved it and whether it was adding or subtracting. Many students like the cubes, but others prefer their hands. Make sure that you encourage your child to use his or her fingers to count/add. This is developmentally appropriate. Some of our kids are moving past this....learning number facts, counting on, etc. 

We count our cubes every time we use them. Hint: There are always 10---and we always say, "Ten is always ten." You would be surprised though when you see each student still counting-I'm waiting for someone to tell me they don't have to count anymore, because they know it's 10. 

Jace shared a story about a rocket ship yesterday! 

This month, we are working on adding beautiful and interesting illustrations to our stories. 

We had to celebrate today, as this was the first day that Cyan wrote a story with the words going from left to right and she could point to each word and read it. YAY!!!!!!!!!! 

See how Miles used color in an interesting way (look at his words).....

Doing some box problems.....working on connections between addition and subtraction.

Working on seeing a tile image on the smartboard and recreating it. It helps when the students can break down the image into parts (EX: 1 and 4)

Now we're starting to make our very own tile books with different combinations! 

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