Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Happy Wednesday!!!

We played the dice game today. We haven't played it in awhile! Natalee was our dice roller :) It's very important that kiddos can quickly flash numbers on their fingers and recognize the dot patterns on a dice.

Here we are playing the dice game....until the music stops! 

We also practiced some 10 frame and 5 frame flashes today! With larger numbers, I ask the students how did you see it? They see it in so many ways. Like with 8---they saw 4 and 4. 

Brody brought in this Eric Carle. Needless to say, I am TOTALLY excited!!!! I have NEVER read this one :) Seriously. They have they told me. So I told them to not spill the beans :) 

Still working on characters. Today we rotated to different stations. The children wrote different words to describe the characters....check it out below. 

We did one together! 

Some of my fave's from the David poster were No! No! No! He is nody (naughty). 

Happy. Gerald's friend. He likes to play baseball.

Steals! Stealing and making things. Makes hot pepper stew. They are funny. 

MAD! MAD! MAD! Likes to drive bus. Angry. Whiny. 

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